Happy Teacher Revolution "Revolutionary Certification Program"


The Happy Teacher Revolution "Revolutionary Certification Program" is a well-being professional development training. It will provide participants with the tools necessary to facilitate Happy Teacher Revolution meetings and thus become an official HTR "Revolutionary". Our curriculum and training explores topics relating to caregiver burnout, vicarious trauma, and self-care through an educator's lens. After completing the course, participants can provide peers in their own community the time to heal, deal and be real about the social-emotional and intellectual demands they face on the job. Our goal is to help teachers feel empowered to claim happiness as their own in order to show up as their best selves for their students.

$597 for 12 Hour Asynchronous PD Training

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Classes to learn to lead Happy Teacher Revolution Meetings in your school/community

Check in call mid-course with founder + CEO of HTR, Danna Thomas

Certificate of Completion Post Course

Syllabus and Overview

Revolutionaries will be able to apply social support research through an experiential learning opportunity.

Revolutionaries will be able to learn techniques and teaching skills to prioritize self-care and wellness as leaders of the HTR movement.

Revolutionaries will learn to foster human connection around their HTR meeting through the Human Centered Design Process.

Revolutionaries will be able to deconstruct the components of a HTR meeting and facilitate their first HTR meeting.

Revolutionaries will be able to build relationships with HTR participants and strengthen their ability as facilitators by evaluating and classifying group dynamics within the HTR meeting.

Revolutionaries will learn to expand the impact of their HTR meeting into the broader education community.

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